Track 49 West of Everything


Recording and Mixing Dates: Recorded December 2 and 6, 2016. Mixed December 6, 2016.


Genesis: I came up with the song based on the title of a 1993 book written by Jane Tompkins. It examines the American West as portrayed in Western novels and films. I never read the book but loved the suggestiveness of the title. I use it as a metaphor of escape, a fantasy about leaving disappointing daily lives for a supposed better existence. In short, a rewrite of the bromide, “the grass is always greener on the other side.”

I wrote the song in 1993 and over the years I tried different arrangements. Most of them evoked Glen Frey ballads, such as the Eagles “Tequila Sunrise.” They never felt right. Last week I played around with the tune again and came up with the idea of changing the feel from straight time to swing time. Once I found that this worked, I develop an arrangement that reminds me of some the mellower tunes that Mark Knopfler has recorded over the years. While rehearsing the song I realized that some of the lyrics could stand editing or replacement.

Production: Acoustic Bass, Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitar, and Brush Snare Drum.



I see you’ve grown tired

From the daily wear and tear

I’ve got to admit I’m feeling just the same

We need to get out of here

Find some breathing room

The simple joys in life are there to reclaim


West of Everything

West of the heartaches

Way past the morning blues

West of Everything

West of the bad luck

Far from these broken schemes

West of our foolish dreams


You’ve tried to be patient

While we worked to get ahead

The way things stand we’re only marking time

The look in your eyes tonight

Says things have got to change

We both know we’ve been waiting for this sign



We’ve come to a crossroads

I’m shifting my sights

Above the horizon

My heart is taking flight


Copyright 2016 Fred Grittner All Rights Reserved

Track 49 West of Everything

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